Cheats!!! = )

In here im going to show you the latest cheats and what you can do with it!!♥


Before using any cheats, you will first have to enable cheat mode.


Press CTRL + SHIFT + C during game play, this will bring open the cheat box. With this open, you can type any of the codes below to achieve the desired effect.
You will need to press this every time you want to use a cheat. You can repeat cheats by typing ";!" after the code (without the quotes). Ending the code with "!" (without the quotes) will repeat the cheat indefinitely until you close the cheat box or remove the semi-colon.
NOTE: On some versions of Windows you may need to press CTRL + SHIFT + WINDOWS KEY + C in order to open the cheat console. Mac users may need to press CMD + SHIFT + C




Adds §1,000 Simoleons to the active household.
Adds §50,000 Simoleons to the active household.
Free house moves
Allows Sims to move houses for free.
Quit the game
Quits the game.
Help menu
Lists most of the available cheat commands (advanced cheats are also displayed if testingcheatsenabled is set to true).
Help with specific cheat
Shows information about a specific cheat code.
Turn Llamas on/off
Toggle the llamas on/off (the pop up messages in the top right corner).
enableLlamas on/off
Random joke
Shows a really bad joke.
Toggle Fullscreen
Toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode.
fullscreen on/off
Toggle framerate indicator
Choose whether or not to display a framerate indicator in the top right corner.
fps on/off
Unlock NPC Outfits
Enter this before going to Create a Sim and you will be able to use career and NPC outfits, such as the Grim Reaper. Type 'unlockOutfits off' to disable this cheat.
unlockOutfits on
Reset Sim
Resets the Sim with neutral motives, no moodlets, and teleports Sim back home. This is useful if your Sim gets stuck or if they have died and not disappeared yet. Example usage: resetSim Bella Goth
Toggle talk/thought balloons on/off
Show or hide talk/thought balloons and the plumbbob above Sims' heads.
hideHeadlineEffects on/off


Enabling this mode will allow you to do some more advanced cheating. This mode will also enable you to shift-click, ctrl-click and drag-click on your Sims to reveal further cheats.



Enable Advanced Cheats
Enables you to use all the cheats listed below, including shift-click, ctrl-click and drag-click cheats. Type 'testingCheatsEnabled false' to turn this mode off.
testingCheatsEnabled true
Make toddlers become NPC
Toddlers in your household will grow up to be a child NPC (non-playable character).
Set family's Simoleons
Allows you to set a family's amount of Simoleons. Example to set the Landgraab family at §10,000: familyfunds Landgraab 10000
familyfunds [HOUSEHOLD] [AMOUNT]
Toggle map tags on/off
Turns map tags on or off. Note this cheat is no longer needed after update 1.7 as a 'none' option was added in map view.
maptags on/off
Disco map tags
Map tags will change colour and blink.
discotags on/off
Turn all audio on/off
Enable or disable all audio effects.
playsounds on/off
Record Video
Record video at the specified size and quality. Example: recordvideo large high
recordvideo [small/medium/large] [low/moderate/high/max]
Change game speed
Change game speed between 0 (normal) and 8 (slowest).
speed [0-8]
Advanced Buy Mode
Unlocks a Buy Mode slot with debug options like Butterfly, Beetle, Gem and Meteor generators, mature plants, the Mysterious Mr. Gnome, toy box toys and more.
buydebug on/off
Allow terrain adjustment
Lets you adjust terrain regardless of whether there is an object/Sim on it.
constrainFloorElevation true/false
Disable objects snapping to slots
When on, objects will not snap to slots while holding ALT.
disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt on/off
Remove limitations on objects
Removes footprint limitation for all object placement in Buy Mode and Build Mode. Removes limitations placed on hand tool when objects are in use, or are normally immovable objects. NOTE: With this on you can delete objects (and even Sims) that you would not normally be able to delete, and there is no way to get them back! So take care.
moveObjects on/off
Place foundations on tiled floors
Allows use of foundations on top of tiled floors.
placeFriezes on/off
Edit lot with a public room marker
Allows editing of any lot with a public room marker on it.
restrictbuildbuyinbuildings off


When testingCheatsEnabled is set to true (see above) you'll be able to see a lot more options if you hold the shift key while clicking on a Sim or certain objects. Since there are a large amount of possible options, the list below simply states which objects have shift-click possiblities.
  • Mailbox
    • Make All Happy
    • Make Friends For Me
    • Make Needs Static
    • Make Needs Dynamic
    • Make Me Know Everyone
    • Force Visitor
    • Force NPC...
    • Set Career...
  • Work Place
    • Force Opportunity
    • Force Event
    • Force All Events
  • Community Lots and Neighbour Houses (requires Ambitions installed)
    • Spawn Job ...
  • On Floor
    • Teleport
    • Build/Buy on this lot (after patch 1.7)
  • All Sims
    • Trigger Age Transition
    • Add to active household/family
    • Favorite Music... (after patch 1.7)
    • Edit Sim in Create-a-Sim
  • Active Sim
    • Trigger Age Transition
    • Modify Traits for Active Sim
  • Any object
    • Object... Delete It


When testingCheatsEnabled is set to true (see above) you'll be able to perform the following actions.
Remove Moodlet
CTRL + click on any moodlet in the moodlet panel to remove it. If motive induced, the bar related to the negative moodlet will be filled completely.
Increase Lifetime Happiness
If you have set testingCheatsEnabled to true at the new/load game screen, you can CTRL + click between the chest and the points in the lifetime happiness to add additional lifetime happiness of 500.


When testingCheatsEnabled is set to true (see above) you'll be able to perform the following actions.
Adjust Sim's Motive/Relationship/Progression
you can raise or lower your Sim's current motive by clicking on the motive and dragging your mouse left or right. This can also be done on relationship and your Sim's progress in any profession if Ambitions is installed.
Coped by Sims cheasts app for ios. Free app for the tree sims games!

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